Kopirajte ovaj formular i popunite. Nakon toga će te dobiti poruku sa pitanjima. Kada ih popunite pošaljite ih nazad.
Onda će vam formular ići na glasanje adminima. Bit ćete informirani dali ste prošli ili ne.
1. Ime, prezime:
2. Grad, država:
3. Godište:
4. Koliko dugo igrate cs:
5. Koliko dugo dnevno:
6. Da li ste upoznati sa pravilima servera:
7. Zašto bas vi (što kraće moguće):
8. Da li ste ikada bili admin (Da ili Ne):
9. Da li ćete moći boost (barem 1x mjesečno):
Copy this form and fill it out. After that you'll receive a message with questions. When you answer them send them back.
Then your form will be voted by admins. You will be informed if you passed or no.
1. First and last name:
2. City and country:
3. Date of birth:
4. How long do you play cs:
5. How long daily:
6. Are you familiar with the server rules:
7. Why you (as short as posible):
8. Have you ever been an admin (Yes or No):
9. Will you be able to boost (at least 1x per month):